Hosted by IDTechEx
Advanced Batteries & Energy Storage Research
Jan 25, 2024
Upcoming Webinar - The Time for Long Duration Energy Storage is Coming

Upcoming Webinar - The Time for Long Duration Energy Storage is Coming

Thursday 8 February 2024 - Introduction to LDES; why and when LDES technologies will be needed to support growth of VRE penetration; Key countries and states expected to be earlier adopters of LDES technologies; LDES technology overview including funding, energy and power decoupling, introduction to technology benchmarking, and duration of storage of upcoming LDES projects; Overview of grid supply-side and demand-side flexibility; LDES market applications; Key customers that will benefit from LDES technologies; LDES revenue generation opportunities, challenges, and potential solutions; IDTechEx's outlook and conclusions
Advanced Batteries & Energy Storage Research
Jan 25, 2024
EU Critical Raw Materials Act: Ambitious Targets to Secure Supply

EU Critical Raw Materials Act: Ambitious Targets to Secure Supply

Demand for Li-ion batteries continues to grow in sectors such as electric vehicles, stationary energy storage, and consumer electronics. From its market report, "Li-ion Battery Recycling Market 2023-2043", IDTechEx estimates that in 2023, total demand for Li-ion batteries was 750+ GWh across these sectors, which will increase to almost 10 TWh in 2043.
Advanced Batteries & Energy Storage Research
Jan 23, 2024
Upcoming Webinar - The Four Future Automotive Technology Opportunities

Upcoming Webinar - The Four Future Automotive Technology Opportunities

Tuesday 30 January 2024 - An overview of the megatrends changing the automotive industry; Explanation of what hardware/services are associated with each trend; CAGR growth rates for each of these technologies; Hardware vs services, where the biggest opportunity is
Advanced Batteries & Energy Storage Research
Jan 19, 2024
Removing Rare-Earths Drives Demand for Copper in EV Motors

Removing Rare-Earths Drives Demand for Copper in EV Motors

Electric motors are a core component of electrification in the automotive market. The market has heavily relied on rare earths for the permanent magnets used in these motors, but, as many will be aware, there is a drive to eliminate these rare earths due to their price volatility and environmental impact. Alternative motor technologies can often present a new and increased demand for copper.
Advanced Batteries & Energy Storage Research
Jan 18, 2024
How Tech Giants Could Displace Automotive OEMs

How Tech Giants Could Displace Automotive OEMs

The automotive market is a huge industry, and its evolution has spawned several giant corporations with many sub-brands, many of which are household names. However, the automotive industry is arguably undergoing the greatest technological shifts it has ever seen. Electrification, autonomous driving, and a shift to software-defined vehicles.
Advanced Batteries & Energy Storage Research
Jan 17, 2024
Upcoming Webinar - Decoding Sodium-ion: Market Insights and Outlook

Upcoming Webinar - Decoding Sodium-ion: Market Insights and Outlook

Thursday 25 January 2024 - Materials for sodium-ion cell design; Sodium-ion battery value proposition; Opportunities and challenges in the sodium-ion battery market; Sodium-ion battery players and commercialisation efforts; IDTechEx outlook for sodium-ion batteries by 2030
Advanced Batteries & Energy Storage Research
Jan 16, 2024
The US$1.6 Trillion Future of the Automotive Tech Opportunity

The US$1.6 Trillion Future of the Automotive Tech Opportunity

Autonomous driving, electric vehicles, connected and software-defined vehicles, and in-cabin monitoring are all megatrends reshaping the automotive industry. Together, these technologies combine to form a US$1.6 trillion opportunity by 2034, nearly a 10-fold increase compared to 2023.
Advanced Batteries & Energy Storage Research
Jan 16, 2024
Brand New Podcast: Tomorrow's Tech by IDTechEx

Brand New Podcast: Tomorrow's Tech by IDTechEx

IDTechEx have launched a new monthly podcast, 'Tomorrow's Tech by IDTechEx', bringing you up to date technology trends. In each episode our host will interview an industry expert from IDTechEx, offering insights into a range of emerging technologies.
Advanced Batteries & Energy Storage Research
Jan 15, 2024
PEM Electrolyzer Materials - Niche Market with Large Opportunities

PEM Electrolyzer Materials - Niche Market with Large Opportunities

Green hydrogen is increasingly recognized as a clean industrial feedstock and the future's energy carrier. Central to green hydrogen production is the water electrolyzer. Historically, the alkaline water electrolyzer (AWE) has dominated the market due to its maturity and development
Advanced Batteries & Energy Storage Research
Jan 11, 2024
Energizing the Future: Hydrogen's Decade Ahead

Energizing the Future: Hydrogen's Decade Ahead

Decarbonization efforts have gained momentum globally in recent years. Renewable energy, electrification, and battery storage are primary solutions. However, some sectors remain difficult to decarbonize using such methods, including heavy industry, heating, and certain transport sectors, such as aviation and shipping.
Advanced Batteries & Energy Storage Research
Jan 10, 2024
Sodium-Ion Batteries Will Diversify the Energy Storage Industry

Sodium-Ion Batteries Will Diversify the Energy Storage Industry

Sodium-ion (Na-ion) batteries are being developed due to their potential costs, safety, sustainability, and performance characteristics over traditional lithium-ion batteries. These batteries can be made with widely available and inexpensive materials, with sodium being significantly more abundant than lithium.
Advanced Batteries & Energy Storage Research
Jan 5, 2024
Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles to be 4% of the Zero Emission Solution

Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles to be 4% of the Zero Emission Solution

Battery electric vehicles (BEVs) have made monumental progress in the passenger car market, becoming a standard drivetrain option. The success in cars is also overflowing into other vehicle segments, such as vans, trucks, buses, 2-wheelers, and more. However, despite some key proponents, fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) have had a much tougher time getting to significant adoption.
Advanced Batteries & Energy Storage Research
Jan 4, 2024
Webinar - What Opportunities are Left for Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles?

Webinar - What Opportunities are Left for Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles?

Thursday 18 January 2024 - This webinar will cover the market progress, opportunities, and future predictions for FCEVs across several vehicle segments, including: Cars; Light commercial vehicles; Trucks; and Buses
Advanced Batteries & Energy Storage Research
Dec 14, 2023
Key Materials and Components Used in Redox Flow Batteries

Key Materials and Components Used in Redox Flow Batteries

Variable renewable energy (VRE) penetration is expected to continue increasing across the globe, and with this will come increasing variability and uncertainty in energy and electricity supply. Energy storage systems will be needed to dispatch energy over longer timeframes when energy from VRE sources is not available.
Advanced Batteries & Energy Storage Research
Dec 13, 2023
Automotive Megatrends Drive 4.8% CAGR in Copper Demand until 2034

Automotive Megatrends Drive 4.8% CAGR in Copper Demand until 2034

Copper is a key mineral for the automotive industry, used ubiquitously across the wiring harnesses market. Its demand is set to grow due to electric vehicle and autonomous vehicle megatrends. IDTechEx's brand new report "Copper Demand for Cars 2024-2034: Trends, Utilization, Forecasts" finds the automotive copper demand will reach 5MT (1MT = 1 billion kilograms) of annual demand in 2034.
Advanced Batteries & Energy Storage Research
Dec 8, 2023
The Crucial Role of Managing End-of-Life Li-ion Battery Sustainability

The Crucial Role of Managing End-of-Life Li-ion Battery Sustainability

Lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries are used ubiquitously in daily life, and the demand for Li-ion batteries has continued to increase over the last decade, including in consumer electronics and portable devices, electric vehicles (EVs), and stationary energy storage systems.
Advanced Batteries & Energy Storage Research
Dec 6, 2023
Webinar - Material Innovations in Electrolyzers for Green Hydrogen

Webinar - Material Innovations in Electrolyzers for Green Hydrogen

Tuesday 12 December 2023 - Material Innovations in Electrolyzers for Green Hydrogen Production - Introduction to the hydrogen economy and water electrolyzer technologies; Overview of incumbent electrolyzer materials and components; Key innovations needed in electrolyzer materials and components; Electrolyzer component market outlook
Advanced Batteries & Energy Storage Research
Dec 6, 2023
CO2-Derived e-Fuels: Enabling Net-Zero Transportation

CO2-Derived e-Fuels: Enabling Net-Zero Transportation

On the 28th November 2023, a plane flew from London to New York. For the first time in history, this transatlantic flight was 100% powered by sustainable alternative fuels. This rounds off a promising year for sustainable fuels in aviation. Earlier in 2023, ReFuelEU Aviation Regulation was adopted by the European Union, mandating a 70% sustainable aviation fuel blending obligation by 2050.
Advanced Batteries & Energy Storage Research
Dec 1, 2023
Future Technologies, Materials, and Markets for Thermal Management

Future Technologies, Materials, and Markets for Thermal Management

The battery deservedly takes the major focus when it comes to technology development in EVs. But an EV's powertrain has to act holistically to operate with optimal performance and interact with the passenger cabin's conditioning system. This means that the thermal management of the motors, power electronics, and how this all interacts is just as important as the battery.
Advanced Batteries & Energy Storage Research
Nov 29, 2023
Aerogel Manufacturing Scaling to Meet EV Demand

Aerogel Manufacturing Scaling to Meet EV Demand

Historically, the aerogel market has experienced slow and steady growth. With the newly found demand for thermal insulation and fire protection in electric vehicle (EV) batteries, aerogel manufacturers are making big plans and investments in order to scale up in preparation to serve this new market.
Advanced Batteries & Energy Storage Research
Jan 25, 2024
Upcoming Webinar - The Time for Long Duration Energy Storage is Coming

Upcoming Webinar - The Time for Long Duration Energy Storage is Coming

Thursday 8 February 2024 - Introduction to LDES; why and when LDES technologies will be needed to support growth of VRE penetration; Key countries and states expected to be earlier adopters of LDES technologies; LDES technology overview including funding, energy and power decoupling, introduction to technology benchmarking, and duration of storage of upcoming LDES projects; Overview of grid supply-side and demand-side flexibility; LDES market applications; Key customers that will benefit from LDES technologies; LDES revenue generation opportunities, challenges, and potential solutions; IDTechEx's outlook and conclusions
Advanced Batteries & Energy Storage Research
Jan 23, 2024
Upcoming Webinar - The Four Future Automotive Technology Opportunities

Upcoming Webinar - The Four Future Automotive Technology Opportunities

Tuesday 30 January 2024 - An overview of the megatrends changing the automotive industry; Explanation of what hardware/services are associated with each trend; CAGR growth rates for each of these technologies; Hardware vs services, where the biggest opportunity is
Advanced Batteries & Energy Storage Research
Jan 18, 2024
How Tech Giants Could Displace Automotive OEMs

How Tech Giants Could Displace Automotive OEMs

The automotive market is a huge industry, and its evolution has spawned several giant corporations with many sub-brands, many of which are household names. However, the automotive industry is arguably undergoing the greatest technological shifts it has ever seen. Electrification, autonomous driving, and a shift to software-defined vehicles.
Advanced Batteries & Energy Storage Research
Jan 16, 2024
The US$1.6 Trillion Future of the Automotive Tech Opportunity

The US$1.6 Trillion Future of the Automotive Tech Opportunity

Autonomous driving, electric vehicles, connected and software-defined vehicles, and in-cabin monitoring are all megatrends reshaping the automotive industry. Together, these technologies combine to form a US$1.6 trillion opportunity by 2034, nearly a 10-fold increase compared to 2023.
Advanced Batteries & Energy Storage Research
Jan 15, 2024
PEM Electrolyzer Materials - Niche Market with Large Opportunities

PEM Electrolyzer Materials - Niche Market with Large Opportunities

Green hydrogen is increasingly recognized as a clean industrial feedstock and the future's energy carrier. Central to green hydrogen production is the water electrolyzer. Historically, the alkaline water electrolyzer (AWE) has dominated the market due to its maturity and development
Advanced Batteries & Energy Storage Research
Jan 10, 2024
Sodium-Ion Batteries Will Diversify the Energy Storage Industry

Sodium-Ion Batteries Will Diversify the Energy Storage Industry

Sodium-ion (Na-ion) batteries are being developed due to their potential costs, safety, sustainability, and performance characteristics over traditional lithium-ion batteries. These batteries can be made with widely available and inexpensive materials, with sodium being significantly more abundant than lithium.
Advanced Batteries & Energy Storage Research
Jan 4, 2024
Webinar - What Opportunities are Left for Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles?

Webinar - What Opportunities are Left for Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles?

Thursday 18 January 2024 - This webinar will cover the market progress, opportunities, and future predictions for FCEVs across several vehicle segments, including: Cars; Light commercial vehicles; Trucks; and Buses
Advanced Batteries & Energy Storage Research
Dec 13, 2023
Automotive Megatrends Drive 4.8% CAGR in Copper Demand until 2034

Automotive Megatrends Drive 4.8% CAGR in Copper Demand until 2034

Copper is a key mineral for the automotive industry, used ubiquitously across the wiring harnesses market. Its demand is set to grow due to electric vehicle and autonomous vehicle megatrends. IDTechEx's brand new report "Copper Demand for Cars 2024-2034: Trends, Utilization, Forecasts" finds the automotive copper demand will reach 5MT (1MT = 1 billion kilograms) of annual demand in 2034.
Advanced Batteries & Energy Storage Research
Dec 6, 2023
Webinar - Material Innovations in Electrolyzers for Green Hydrogen

Webinar - Material Innovations in Electrolyzers for Green Hydrogen

Tuesday 12 December 2023 - Material Innovations in Electrolyzers for Green Hydrogen Production - Introduction to the hydrogen economy and water electrolyzer technologies; Overview of incumbent electrolyzer materials and components; Key innovations needed in electrolyzer materials and components; Electrolyzer component market outlook
Advanced Batteries & Energy Storage Research
Dec 1, 2023
Future Technologies, Materials, and Markets for Thermal Management

Future Technologies, Materials, and Markets for Thermal Management

The battery deservedly takes the major focus when it comes to technology development in EVs. But an EV's powertrain has to act holistically to operate with optimal performance and interact with the passenger cabin's conditioning system. This means that the thermal management of the motors, power electronics, and how this all interacts is just as important as the battery.
Advanced Batteries & Energy Storage Research
Jan 25, 2024
EU Critical Raw Materials Act: Ambitious Targets to Secure Supply

EU Critical Raw Materials Act: Ambitious Targets to Secure Supply

Demand for Li-ion batteries continues to grow in sectors such as electric vehicles, stationary energy storage, and consumer electronics. From its market report, "Li-ion Battery Recycling Market 2023-2043", IDTechEx estimates that in 2023, total demand for Li-ion batteries was 750+ GWh across these sectors, which will increase to almost 10 TWh in 2043.
Advanced Batteries & Energy Storage Research
Jan 19, 2024
Removing Rare-Earths Drives Demand for Copper in EV Motors

Removing Rare-Earths Drives Demand for Copper in EV Motors

Electric motors are a core component of electrification in the automotive market. The market has heavily relied on rare earths for the permanent magnets used in these motors, but, as many will be aware, there is a drive to eliminate these rare earths due to their price volatility and environmental impact. Alternative motor technologies can often present a new and increased demand for copper.
Advanced Batteries & Energy Storage Research
Jan 17, 2024
Upcoming Webinar - Decoding Sodium-ion: Market Insights and Outlook

Upcoming Webinar - Decoding Sodium-ion: Market Insights and Outlook

Thursday 25 January 2024 - Materials for sodium-ion cell design; Sodium-ion battery value proposition; Opportunities and challenges in the sodium-ion battery market; Sodium-ion battery players and commercialisation efforts; IDTechEx outlook for sodium-ion batteries by 2030
Advanced Batteries & Energy Storage Research
Jan 16, 2024
Brand New Podcast: Tomorrow's Tech by IDTechEx

Brand New Podcast: Tomorrow's Tech by IDTechEx

IDTechEx have launched a new monthly podcast, 'Tomorrow's Tech by IDTechEx', bringing you up to date technology trends. In each episode our host will interview an industry expert from IDTechEx, offering insights into a range of emerging technologies.
Advanced Batteries & Energy Storage Research
Jan 11, 2024
Energizing the Future: Hydrogen's Decade Ahead

Energizing the Future: Hydrogen's Decade Ahead

Decarbonization efforts have gained momentum globally in recent years. Renewable energy, electrification, and battery storage are primary solutions. However, some sectors remain difficult to decarbonize using such methods, including heavy industry, heating, and certain transport sectors, such as aviation and shipping.
Advanced Batteries & Energy Storage Research
Jan 5, 2024
Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles to be 4% of the Zero Emission Solution

Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles to be 4% of the Zero Emission Solution

Battery electric vehicles (BEVs) have made monumental progress in the passenger car market, becoming a standard drivetrain option. The success in cars is also overflowing into other vehicle segments, such as vans, trucks, buses, 2-wheelers, and more. However, despite some key proponents, fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) have had a much tougher time getting to significant adoption.
Advanced Batteries & Energy Storage Research
Dec 14, 2023
Key Materials and Components Used in Redox Flow Batteries

Key Materials and Components Used in Redox Flow Batteries

Variable renewable energy (VRE) penetration is expected to continue increasing across the globe, and with this will come increasing variability and uncertainty in energy and electricity supply. Energy storage systems will be needed to dispatch energy over longer timeframes when energy from VRE sources is not available.
Advanced Batteries & Energy Storage Research
Dec 8, 2023
The Crucial Role of Managing End-of-Life Li-ion Battery Sustainability

The Crucial Role of Managing End-of-Life Li-ion Battery Sustainability

Lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries are used ubiquitously in daily life, and the demand for Li-ion batteries has continued to increase over the last decade, including in consumer electronics and portable devices, electric vehicles (EVs), and stationary energy storage systems.
Advanced Batteries & Energy Storage Research
Dec 6, 2023
CO2-Derived e-Fuels: Enabling Net-Zero Transportation

CO2-Derived e-Fuels: Enabling Net-Zero Transportation

On the 28th November 2023, a plane flew from London to New York. For the first time in history, this transatlantic flight was 100% powered by sustainable alternative fuels. This rounds off a promising year for sustainable fuels in aviation. Earlier in 2023, ReFuelEU Aviation Regulation was adopted by the European Union, mandating a 70% sustainable aviation fuel blending obligation by 2050.
Advanced Batteries & Energy Storage Research
Nov 29, 2023
Aerogel Manufacturing Scaling to Meet EV Demand

Aerogel Manufacturing Scaling to Meet EV Demand

Historically, the aerogel market has experienced slow and steady growth. With the newly found demand for thermal insulation and fire protection in electric vehicle (EV) batteries, aerogel manufacturers are making big plans and investments in order to scale up in preparation to serve this new market.
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