Hosted by IDTechEx

Energy Storage

Advanced Batteries & Energy Storage Research
Dec 17, 2024
The Second-life EV Battery Market to Reach US$4.2B in Value by 2035

The Second-life EV Battery Market to Reach US$4.2B in Value by 2035

IDTechEx forecasts the second-life EV battery market to grow to US$4.2B in value by 2035, given the increasing availability of retired EV batteries over the coming decade. Li-ion batteries in electric vehicles may be used for 6-15 years, depending on the application and their degradation over time. Once these batteries reach a capacity, or State-of-Health (SOH), that is too low to facilitate the driving range requirements of the EV, these are retired. These batteries could be recycled to reclaim critical and valuable raw materials, which could be reintroduced into new EV battery manufacturing.
Advanced Batteries & Energy Storage Research
Dec 16, 2024
AI Diagnostics Could Allow for Lower Insurance Premiums for BESS

AI Diagnostics Could Allow for Lower Insurance Premiums for BESS

Ensuring that a suitable diagnostic service is provided for insured battery deployments can be advantageous. Already, the market has seen arrangements whereby an insurer will offer better premiums for fleet and BESS owners should they use machine-learning-assisted diagnostics services.
Advanced Batteries & Energy Storage Research
Dec 11, 2024
Expanding Silicon Anode Battery Market to Exceed US$15B by 2035

Expanding Silicon Anode Battery Market to Exceed US$15B by 2035

Due to the need for higher energy density and faster charging battery technologies, the battery electric car market will be the primary driver behind silicon anode material adoption. Numerous companies, from start-ups to established materials companies and industrials are expanding their capabilities to meet the growing demand for silicon anode material. IDTechEx estimates that silicon anode material production capacity is due to expand 6.5x from 2024 to 2030.
Advanced Batteries & Energy Storage Research
Dec 10, 2024
Stationary Fuel Cells -The Dawn of Green Hydrogen and Decarbonization

Stationary Fuel Cells -The Dawn of Green Hydrogen and Decarbonization

IDTechEx predicts the stationary fuel cell market is expected to grow with a CAGR of 16.7% between now and 2035, with targets in place in countries worldwide to help achieve maximum growth and deployment of fuel cell technology. Despite the hype of low carbon benefits attached to fuel cells, this is only applicable when green hydrogen is used, with other gases producing carbon as a by-product of their sourcing, or reaction process within the fuel cell.
Advanced Batteries & Energy Storage Research
Dec 9, 2024
Webinar: Silicon Anode Batteries - Poised for Expansion

Webinar: Silicon Anode Batteries - Poised for Expansion

Tuesday 17 December 2024 - Introduction into the Li-ion market and silicon anode technology; Discussion of key silicon anode technologies and developments; Overview of the silicon anode market; Key conclusions and takeaways
Advanced Batteries & Energy Storage Research
Dec 9, 2024
Green Hydrogen Explained - IDTechEx's Primer on Water Electrolysis

Green Hydrogen Explained - IDTechEx's Primer on Water Electrolysis

IDTechEx projects that the annual water electrolyzer market will exceed US$70 billion by 2034. However, access to more low-cost renewable electricity and stronger policy support for green hydrogen is needed to make it more competitive in various applications.
Advanced Batteries & Energy Storage Research
Dec 6, 2024
Backup Power & Ultrapure Hydrogen - Exploring Stationary Fuel Cells

Backup Power & Ultrapure Hydrogen - Exploring Stationary Fuel Cells

IDTechEx predicts that the annual demand for stationary fuel cells in the commercial market will surpass 1.9GW by 2035, with the main applications being in residential, industrial, utilities, commercial, and data sectors. Currently, over 80% of power worldwide is still obtained from fossil fuels, meaning there is lots of opportunity for growth and expansion of sustainable energy sourcing, with large demand and potential for fuel cells.
Advanced Batteries & Energy Storage Research
Dec 4, 2024
Countries With Soon-to-Boom Li-ion BESS Markets

Countries With Soon-to-Boom Li-ion BESS Markets

As a reliable and well-performing technology for battery energy storage systems (BESS), its demand in the global ES market has continued to grow at an impressive pace. This is expected to continue, and as found in their new market report, "Batteries for Stationary Energy Storage 2025-2035", IDTechEx estimates that the global Li-ion BESS market will be valued at US$109B in 2035.
Advanced Batteries & Energy Storage Research
Dec 3, 2024
Upcoming Webinar: Machine Learning Methods for the Battery Industry

Upcoming Webinar: Machine Learning Methods for the Battery Industry

Thursday 12 December 2024 - Machine Learning Methods for Battery Development, Manufacturing and Management; An introduction to challenges in the battery industry; An overview of machine learning and how it can be applied for batteries; Use-case analysis for five different market sectors Business model analysis for the overall market; Qualitative conclusions on how and where machine learning will see use over the next few years
Advanced Batteries & Energy Storage Research
Dec 2, 2024
From Brines to Minerals - IDTechEx Explores Lithium Extraction

From Brines to Minerals - IDTechEx Explores Lithium Extraction

Traditionally, hard rock mining and evaporation ponds have been the primary methods for lithium extraction. This article offers an overview of established techniques for mining lithium from natural resources. It focuses particularly on a collection of technologies known as direct lithium extraction (DLE), which have the potential to unlock lithium from brine more efficiently, with improved recovery rates and additional environmental, social, and governance (ESG) benefits.
Advanced Batteries & Energy Storage Research
Dec 17, 2024
The Second-life EV Battery Market to Reach US$4.2B in Value by 2035

The Second-life EV Battery Market to Reach US$4.2B in Value by 2035

IDTechEx forecasts the second-life EV battery market to grow to US$4.2B in value by 2035, given the increasing availability of retired EV batteries over the coming decade. Li-ion batteries in electric vehicles may be used for 6-15 years, depending on the application and their degradation over time. Once these batteries reach a capacity, or State-of-Health (SOH), that is too low to facilitate the driving range requirements of the EV, these are retired. These batteries could be recycled to reclaim critical and valuable raw materials, which could be reintroduced into new EV battery manufacturing.
Advanced Batteries & Energy Storage Research
Dec 11, 2024
Expanding Silicon Anode Battery Market to Exceed US$15B by 2035

Expanding Silicon Anode Battery Market to Exceed US$15B by 2035

Due to the need for higher energy density and faster charging battery technologies, the battery electric car market will be the primary driver behind silicon anode material adoption. Numerous companies, from start-ups to established materials companies and industrials are expanding their capabilities to meet the growing demand for silicon anode material. IDTechEx estimates that silicon anode material production capacity is due to expand 6.5x from 2024 to 2030.
Advanced Batteries & Energy Storage Research
Dec 9, 2024
Webinar: Silicon Anode Batteries - Poised for Expansion

Webinar: Silicon Anode Batteries - Poised for Expansion

Tuesday 17 December 2024 - Introduction into the Li-ion market and silicon anode technology; Discussion of key silicon anode technologies and developments; Overview of the silicon anode market; Key conclusions and takeaways
Advanced Batteries & Energy Storage Research
Dec 6, 2024
Backup Power & Ultrapure Hydrogen - Exploring Stationary Fuel Cells

Backup Power & Ultrapure Hydrogen - Exploring Stationary Fuel Cells

IDTechEx predicts that the annual demand for stationary fuel cells in the commercial market will surpass 1.9GW by 2035, with the main applications being in residential, industrial, utilities, commercial, and data sectors. Currently, over 80% of power worldwide is still obtained from fossil fuels, meaning there is lots of opportunity for growth and expansion of sustainable energy sourcing, with large demand and potential for fuel cells.
Advanced Batteries & Energy Storage Research
Dec 3, 2024
Upcoming Webinar: Machine Learning Methods for the Battery Industry

Upcoming Webinar: Machine Learning Methods for the Battery Industry

Thursday 12 December 2024 - Machine Learning Methods for Battery Development, Manufacturing and Management; An introduction to challenges in the battery industry; An overview of machine learning and how it can be applied for batteries; Use-case analysis for five different market sectors Business model analysis for the overall market; Qualitative conclusions on how and where machine learning will see use over the next few years
Advanced Batteries & Energy Storage Research
Dec 16, 2024
AI Diagnostics Could Allow for Lower Insurance Premiums for BESS

AI Diagnostics Could Allow for Lower Insurance Premiums for BESS

Ensuring that a suitable diagnostic service is provided for insured battery deployments can be advantageous. Already, the market has seen arrangements whereby an insurer will offer better premiums for fleet and BESS owners should they use machine-learning-assisted diagnostics services.
Advanced Batteries & Energy Storage Research
Dec 10, 2024
Stationary Fuel Cells -The Dawn of Green Hydrogen and Decarbonization

Stationary Fuel Cells -The Dawn of Green Hydrogen and Decarbonization

IDTechEx predicts the stationary fuel cell market is expected to grow with a CAGR of 16.7% between now and 2035, with targets in place in countries worldwide to help achieve maximum growth and deployment of fuel cell technology. Despite the hype of low carbon benefits attached to fuel cells, this is only applicable when green hydrogen is used, with other gases producing carbon as a by-product of their sourcing, or reaction process within the fuel cell.
Advanced Batteries & Energy Storage Research
Dec 9, 2024
Green Hydrogen Explained - IDTechEx's Primer on Water Electrolysis

Green Hydrogen Explained - IDTechEx's Primer on Water Electrolysis

IDTechEx projects that the annual water electrolyzer market will exceed US$70 billion by 2034. However, access to more low-cost renewable electricity and stronger policy support for green hydrogen is needed to make it more competitive in various applications.
Advanced Batteries & Energy Storage Research
Dec 4, 2024
Countries With Soon-to-Boom Li-ion BESS Markets

Countries With Soon-to-Boom Li-ion BESS Markets

As a reliable and well-performing technology for battery energy storage systems (BESS), its demand in the global ES market has continued to grow at an impressive pace. This is expected to continue, and as found in their new market report, "Batteries for Stationary Energy Storage 2025-2035", IDTechEx estimates that the global Li-ion BESS market will be valued at US$109B in 2035.
Advanced Batteries & Energy Storage Research
Dec 2, 2024
From Brines to Minerals - IDTechEx Explores Lithium Extraction

From Brines to Minerals - IDTechEx Explores Lithium Extraction

Traditionally, hard rock mining and evaporation ponds have been the primary methods for lithium extraction. This article offers an overview of established techniques for mining lithium from natural resources. It focuses particularly on a collection of technologies known as direct lithium extraction (DLE), which have the potential to unlock lithium from brine more efficiently, with improved recovery rates and additional environmental, social, and governance (ESG) benefits.
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